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Maria Jones
Visa Consultant
Why Study Abroad?
1. A substantially different level of knowledge. The educational systems in many countries are built in such a way as to not only give the student the necessary knowledge, but also to teach them how to learn. This means that during the study a small percentage of the total number of academic hours is devoted to theory, the rest of the time students learn on their own doing various projects and coursework. This system allows students to form habits and skills that will help them in their future work.
2. A huge range of programs. There are plenty of programs at international universities and colleges, such as nanotechnology, neurobiology, game design, and others. In addition, the technical equipment of universities is great. The most modern labs, computer labs, access to the best libraries in the world, and more.

3. Courses. The choice of required courses is quite democratic. Students can attend those courses that will be useful in their practical work. So they can influence their program, if needed. In addition, no one forbids the attendance of lectures that are in no way related to the main specialty.
4. Practice. Lots of practice. Many universities often make practical training a compulsory part of the curriculum. For example, Dutch universities oblige students to complete one semester internship during the 3rd year of study. Absolutely all students must learn how to apply what they have learned before they graduate. The university can help find a place to do it, but mostly students are already independent and can cope with some challenges themselves.
5. Opportunities. A graduate of the British or American university is able to impress the employer much more. And it's not just the name of the country or the university. All over the world, education abroad is highly valued and graduates usually have no problem finding a job. Most find their first permanent job within just 6 months after graduation.
Why Volunteer?
Volunteering is a valuable and rewarding activity that benefits everyone involved: those who help and those who are helped. According to the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, altruists have better mental health, a greater sense of life satisfaction, and a longer life expectancy than those who have never engaged in charity.
Volunteering manifests the spiritual aspects of your personality through passionate sharing of the principles and ideals of an organization you believe in and have dedicated time to. Whether it's developing your cooking skills with Foodcycle in Britain or learning carpentry in Cambodia, volunteering allows you to learn a variety of skills that most in other cases you would have to pay for. If you want to travel and do good, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer abroad and brush up on your soft skills.
When you participate in volunteer projects, especially overseas in remote locations, you become part of a close-knit group. Among these people, there may be those who help you develop skills in your future profession, become your mentors, and write letters of recommendation for college admission. Shared memories of making the world a better place create strong bonds between you that will last a lifetime.
Volunteering can be an incentive to develop in a career you've already chosen. If you study medicine, volunteering at a nursing home will provide valuable practical experience. Working for a charitable foundation at fundraising events will be useful to a future marketer. Thinking of a career in law but not sure it's right for you? Explore new fields of work. And a volunteer project may be so meaningful and interesting that you will be inspired to take a new career path other than the one you had planned.
Volunteering can facilitate the awarding of scholarships through various foundations and organizations. Scholarships are awarded based on certain criteria, from the most obvious, such as academic achievement, to the unusual ones, such as proficiency in the Klingon language. But community service is an important factor by which almost all applications are judged. Even those who don't mention it in their list of evaluation criteria tend to give preference to socially active students.